Health & Wellbeing

School Dental Services

The School Dental Services provides free on-going preventative and general dental care to Pre-Primary to Year 11 students in Western Australia.  Students at our school can access treatment through the Carnaby Rise Dental Therapy Centre in Landsdale.  

Parents need to complete an enrolment form, which is available through the school office or by contacting the centre directly on 6401 8111.  The centre will follow up on further check-ups and assist with emergency appointments if necessary.


School psychologists help schools meet the social, emotional, learning and behaviour needs of students.  Working closely with the school administration, teachers, students and parents, school psychologists help schools make improvements that are good for all students, particular groups of students or individual students.  Our School Psychologist is available by referral from the class teacher and referrals are also overseen by the Associate Principal. 


Rawlinson Primary is an ‘Asthma Aware’ school.  If your child needs a puffer at school an emergency care plan, which includes a photo, will be developed for these children, with consultation between families, doctors and the school.  We will then ask you to supply a spacer and puffer to be kept at school.


Parents are asked to ensure that all current information regarding allergies and conditions which require emergency care and procedures is provided to the front office staff for inclusion in the school’s records.  If required, an emergency care plan, which includes a photo, will be developed for these children, with consultation between families, doctors and the school.  Any necessary medication needs to be supplied to the school to keep on the premises in case of emergencies.


The following infections require children to be excluded for a designated period of time (usually via your GP): 

Chicken Pox, Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Scarlet Fever, Impetigo (School Sores), Ringworm, Scabies, Hand, Foot and Mouth, Hepatitis A, Diarrhoea, Meningococcal Disease, Streptococcal Infections, Conjunctivitis, Typhoid, Tuberculosis and Whooping Cough.  Plus Head Lice (until treated).  Please note that if all eggs are not removed, reinfestation is likely to occur.  

In the event of a Measles outbreak children who have not completed immunisation for the disease will be required to be excluded for the duration of the outbreak.  

We strongly recommend that all children are immunised and from 2020 can only take ‘up to date’ records for Kindy students, unless parents have an Exemption.  We should be kept up to date when they receive a new immunisation.  Generally, when students enrol in Kindy it is before they have their 4 year old immunisations, so when your Student Update form is sent home please just write the date of last Tetanus and Measles immunisation on the form and return to us.

If your child needs to take short term medications such as antibiotics you will need to complete an Administration of Medication form, forms are also available from the front office.

National Self Detection Program for Scoliosis

We recommend that all schools with girls in Years 5 and 7 participate in the National Self-Detection Program for Scoliosis by downloading the Self-Detection Fact Sheet.  The Fact Sheet can be accessed directly from the Scoliosis Australia home page at and provides information on how to self-assess for scoliosis. 

Scoliosis (spinal curvature) is an important health problem for adolescent girls.  Twenty-five girls per thousand are at risk of developing a significant curve and three girls per thousand require active treatment (spinal brace or surgery).  In the early stages the condition is most often asymptomatic so screening in the age range of 10 to 12 years is a sound preventative measure.  When school screening for scoliosis was abandoned some years ago we introduced the National Self-Detection Program for Scoliosis as a practical alternative. Our policy on the matter is fully explained on the website


Parent information brochure health care

Student Health Care Policy