
Class Lessons

Students in Year 1- Year 6 receive a 1 hour classroom music lesson each week. Through Kodaly and Orff methodologies, students develop their understanding of the elements of music: duration, tempo, pitch, dynamics, timbre, texture, form and style.

Students learn to use their voice and play classroom instruments, including the recorder and keyboard. They learn Solfege, read and write musical notation and develop their aural abilities.

Activities in the music classroom focus on singing, performing on instruments, composing, playing games and moving to music. Students also listen to and analyse music.

Specialist Programs

In Year 4, students are assessed to be eligible to learn guitar in Year 5 and Year 6 through the IMSS program.

Students in Year 4-Year 6 are able to become members of the Choir, which rehearses weekly. Each year, the Choir takes part in Choral Festivals such as the Massed Choir Festival.