Waste Wise and Sustainability
Rawlinson Primary School has been an accredited Waste Wise School for more than 10 years. The activities at our school are designed to promote life-long learning, where students, teachers, and the community are empowered and enabled to take responsibility for their waste minimisation actions, while developing positive environmental values and promoting long-term behaviour change.
We promote responsible waste management behaviours through the following activities:
- Recess and lunch waste is sorted into labelled bins. Organic waste (food) is used to feed the worms in the worm farms and paper is shredded and added to compost bins.
- The P & C have supplied bins to gather items for Containers for Change.
- Each teaching block has a dedicated paper bin that is collected for recycling when full.
- Cardboard is recycled in a large bin at the rear of the school.
- Used ink cartridges are recycled via the office.
- A battery recycling bin is available for the community to use.
Waste Wise principles are reinforced through the curriculum in an engaging and practical way. STEM and other projects reuse materials that would otherwise be sent to landfill. We also regularly participate in Schools Clean Up Day that inspires students to learn about the impact of rubbish on their local environment.
School Garden
At Rawlinson Primary School we are incorporating sustainable practices into the curriculum using our school vegetable garden and water tank.
Classes are encouraged to participate in gardening activities such as planting, growing, harvesting, and cooking with fresh produce. We also integrate these activities into the Science curriculum across all year levels, predominantly in Biological Science.
Rawlinson Primary has installed a water tank for students to use to water the garden in summer. The water tank has successfully taught and reinforced our school commitment to being a Water Wise School.